Thursday, April 30, 2009

I went back to zoho & had a little better luck this time.
I found some neat things but need more than FAQs. If
only a rep who looked like Hugh Jackman worked for
Zoho & made visits. Itried to add Hugh but lost him.
Maybe tomorrow.
Call me old fashion or unimaginative but I still like Microsoft Office Live Workspace
& Google Docs best. I felt lost in Zoho. I did find a great template forpreparing a
budget & a form that I could use to for a daily to do list. Anyone who knows me
would know that I'm not so good at budgeting or prioritizing. Yet we all have strengths
& weaknesses & collaboration makes so much sense.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am still chugging along on Web 2.0. I've finally made it to Exploration 6.
Ironically just in time. Immediately after learning about online office tools
a coworker ask me to make him a calendar. I went online and made him
a couple of calendars in different styles so he had a choice. I'll be back, the
patrons are in need of help.